Frequently Asked Questions

  • You don’t have to. In fact, we let you know on our website how to get your money back yourself which will mean every penny you get back is yours.

    We're here for the people who don’t have the time to claim themselves, or for people who want our expertise. We're made up of former financial services professionals who've worked at banks, regulators and the Financial Ombudsman Service so we know the process and your rights inside out.

  • Yes, if you remember the name of the lender we can get your paperwork for you from the lender.

    I don’t remember the name of the lender. If you don’t remember the name of the lender you can still claim, complete our free check and we will tell you if you have a claim.

  • Lease agreements did not involve discretionary commission arrangements so no claim is present for leases.

  • The claims only apply to vehicles purchased with motor finance, such as PCP, HP or Conditional Sale agreements so does not apply to cash purchases.

  • The claims only apply to vehicles purchased with PCP, HP or Conditional Sale agreements so does not apply to personal loans unrelated to the vehicle.

  • The secret commission mis-selling scandal applies to all types of vehicles not just cars, so includes vans, trucks SUV’s and 4X4’s.

  • They are virtually the same, except on hire purchase you are paying the car off each month and own the car at the end of the term. PCP you don’t own the car at the end unless you make a 'balloon payment'.

    On PCP, at the end, you can make a big payment to pay off the remainder of the car to keep it, or you can just hand the keys back.

  • You can claim against the lender for any type of vehicle and we are representing victims who bought mainstream vehicles such as Audi, BMW, Mercedes and Toyota.

  • You can make a claim for any vehicle finance you took after 2007 and before 28th January 2021.

  • You can claim whether the finance agreement is paid off or still active. If you paid something within the last 6 years Refundee can find the lender for you by completing our free check.

  • Yes, the commission scandal also applies to vehicle finance on used cars.